3245 Lally Rook Court |
Colorado Springs, CO 80906 |
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Note: When upgrading Ship It!, you must upgrade Carcards. Railbase only needs upgraded from version 1.5 or less - but please let me know if you own Railbase, as you will need the new version.
For those who have not purchased the USB drive shipping option: A link for downloading the software is usually sent within 24 hours, but please allow 48. The manuals can be downloaded or viewed on-line. TX sales tax will apply if you reside in TX.
Please save the downloaded file on permanent medium, such as a Hard Disk or USB drive. We cannot be held responsible for emailing replacement files if your hard disk should fail or you replace your computer.
For payment by check: Payment from foreign countries must be by international money order made out in U.S. funds. Select print from your web page to print this form so that it can be mailed to us. TX residents please add 8.25% sales tax.
Unconditional 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
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