RailBase Version 2
For all of your inventory needs

Keep Track of All Your Model Railroad Inventory and More!
Store Information and Pictures for Rolling Stock, Passenger Cars, Locomotives, Structures, and Miscellaneous Items.
Avoid Maintaining Duplicate Data - Shares Information with Ship It! and Ship It! Car Cards.
Inventory your Collection for Insurance Purposes.
Calculate Weight for Rolling Stock and Passenger Cars.
Store Prototype Pictures and Information.
You may have many digital images (along with information) of cars or structures that you want to build or buy. Store this information in Railbase! Store unlimited pictures of these items. Keep a database of items that you wish to model. Organize your notes and pictures! There are Fields for truck type, car length, car manufacturer, placed in service date, rebuild date, and more. Store paragraphs of information if you wish.
Set Up Preventative Maintenance.
Enter in your inspection items and let your computer keep track of your cars adherence. The database will keep track of when inspection is due, which cars (and which items on that car) pass or fail, and notify you of "redflagged" cars (triggered when failures pass a threshold which you set). Print blank forms to fill out "on the bench".
Set Up Modeling Standards.
Develop your own modeling standards and track which of your cars adhere to them. Keep track of which cars need the grabs or stirrups replaced, or which ones need new wheel sets or couplers.
Build Custom Queries.
Create and save your own custom queries. Do you want to know which cars in your fleet are colored boxcar red, are 40 feet long and were placed in service during the 1950's? Do you want to know which of your type XM boxcars meet all of your modeling standards?
Browse, Sort, and Report!
Multiple sorts on the major browse screen. Locate any car with ease. Many reports (choose your sort and use custom queries to develop your own reports).
Set Modeling Goals and Store Data for Future Modeling Projects.
Track which cars you plan to match exact prototypes and which cars need only be believable representations. Store paragraphs of modeling information for future reference, and then have easy access to this information with custom querying.
RailBase is Ideal for Clubs and Large Layouts
You can track ownership of each car (and even their owner's addresses). The modeling standards and preventative maintenance features help keep your fleet up-to-date and problem-free.
Track the Value of Any Locomotive, Car, or Even Structures.
Import / Export
via comma-delimited files from/to spreadsheet programs and databases.
Magazine Reviews
Railbase Professional Review in the May 1998 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman
Some excerpts: "This is a huge and well thought out program." "This program and Ship It!, now available in an upgraded version 3.0, may just be what any modeler needs for a complete, integrated, layout management software package." "There is a lot of information that can be stored in Railbase 1.1...The program can keep track of cars that do or do not meet modeling standards set up by the user. Does this car have knuckle couplers? Is that engine equipped with DCC? What is its address? When is that engine due for a tune-up? How much did that caboose cost and where did I get that good price?"
Railbase Professional Review in the July 1997 Model Railroading
Larry Puckett gave a review of Railbase Professional in the July, 1997 issue of Model Railroading. Here are the ratings (1-5, 5 being best): Documentation: 4.5; User Friendly: 5; Technical: 5; Application: 5; Value: 4.5.